1,150 miles of asphalt sealing and Amish buggy lanes work underway

Elkhart County Highway staff hard at work

Click here for S.O.T. with Charlie McKenzie, high-resolution photos and video of easement for Amish Buggies.

Elkhart County, Indiana (July 29, 2021) – “This is the time of year when our staff are out on our hot county roads and highways doing the annual chip & seal work, “said Charlie McKenzie, engineer and head of the County Highways Department. “It’s tough work that can only be done during these hot summer months, but it’s important to keep our county roads in good condition.”

Elkhart County is one of the few regions in the country where Amish buggy lanes also require annual attention during the summer months. “If you look closely, there is a trough that develops in the center of buggy lanes where the horse’s hooves tend to fall,” adds McKenzie. “In the summer, those roughs are filled with water. In the winter, they’re filled with ice. We work to keep water and ice off the road. And our Amish friends pay an annual buggy fee that helps to pay for this maintenance.”

“We ask local motorists to keep our county roadworkers in mind during this hot weather,” added Suzie Weirick, President of the Elkhart County Commissioners. “Some of the materials they’re applying to maintain our roads are 300 degrees. It’s a hot and sometimes dangerous job to be out there this time of year. Please keep an eye out for the staff as they work to keep our roads in good condition.”

Elkhart County Highway maintains approximately 1150 miles of roadway outside of incorporated cities and towns within the County, and all bridge structures inside and outside cities and towns which are not located on state highways.

Elkhart County Highway is committed to building and maintaining a safe and efficient transportation network. We work closely with our partners at the Plan Commission, BZA, Redevelopment Commission, and other Departments to fulfill that commitment. We invite

residents, business, industry, and non-profits to join us in making Elkhart County a preferred place to do business and reside.


Elkhart County is governed by a board of three County Commissioners. The board of Commissioners constitutes the legislative body of the county for ordinance purposes and serves as the executive branch for Elkhart County government.

To download a copy of the official press release, click here.