Mission Statement:

To use evidence-based practices and programs that partner with our community and offenders to affect positive life change.

Vision Statement:

We will become an evidence-based organization that collaborates with our community partners to intentionally direct our offenders toward a crime-resistance life.


The People

Executive Director

Helen Calvin

[email protected]

Assistant Director-Continuous Quality Improvement

Jared Wakeland

[email protected]

Assistant Director - Operations

Karen Chandler

[email protected]

Assistant Director - Programming

Lauren Kelley

[email protected]

Evidence-Based Practices

About Us

Community Corrections is a community based supervision program with the purpose of providing alternative sentencing to the Department of Correction (DOC) or local incarceration for felony and misdemeanant offenders.

Levels of Supervision

Work Release

The Work Release Program is a residential program that provides an alternative to incarceration. We bring offenders out of the jail system, provide an alternative placement, and try to help make them productive members of society. By using a controlled environment we can minimize the risk to society, thus allowing individuals to work and continue with school, treatment programs and cognitive-behavioral programs while at work release. It is our goal to use Evidence-Based Practices to properly manage and reinstate our clientele into society while maintaining public safety. All qualifying felony offenders have an Indiana Risk Assessment System (IRAS) conducted, a case plan is developed and the offenders must comply and complete the recommendation of the case plan/court order.

Electronic Monitoring

The Home Detention Program is an electronic monitoring program that provides an alternative to incarceration. We bring offenders out of the jail system, reunite them with their families, and try to help make them productive members of society. By using electronic technology we can minimize the risk to society, thus allowing individuals to work and continue with school, treatment programs, and cognitive-behavioral programs while in their home. It is our goal to use Evidence-Based Practices to properly manage and reinstate our clientele into society while maintaining public safety. All qualifying felony offenders have an Indiana Risk Assessment System (IRAS) conducted, a case plan is developed and the offenders must comply and complete the recommendation of the case plan/court order.

Day Reporting

The program is designed to serve offenders who are considered low risk but are in need of support, guidance, and direction in everyday occurrences in life while completing their executed sentence by the court. The program teaches them to be accountable for their own actions and behavior and to offer a variety of support groups as needed. Offenders at initial sign-on are given an Indiana Risk Assessment System (IRAS) assessment and a case plan may be developed.

Community Oriented Work Program (COWP)

Community Work Crew is the least restrictive program used by the courts. COWP partners with various county departments and local nonprofit agencies. Workers are sent to various sites requested by different organizations within the community. The work includes a wide range of services that includes: picking up trash along the roadsides, helping set up and tear down for nonprofit organization functions, and providing seasonal maintenance of property, including mowing, picking up after storm damage, and weed eating.

Community Transition Program (CTP)

The Community Transition Program is a joint effort between the Department of Corrections and County Courts. Providing an opportunity for offenders who meet the requirements to transition back to their communities prior to their scheduled release date from the Indiana Department of Correction. Such an opportunity allows the client to return to work, school, physical, and mental health services within their community, while still being monitored and supervised on a daily basis.

Elkhart County Community Corrections Handbooks

Eligibility Criteria

If all of the above criteria is met or believed to be met, the following needs to be completed to be considered for placement:

1. Must be a legal citizen of the United States of America or they can provide proper documentation that they are allowed to be in the U.S. (Proper documentation includes, but not limited to: Lawful Permanent Resident Card, Birth Certificates, a secured driver’s license, Passport, and military ID.

2. Must have no other criminal charges pending

3. Must be 18 years of age or over.

If all of the above criteria is met or believed to be met, the following needs to be completed to be considered for placement:

1. The referring entity must submit a court order or a completed referral form to ECCC.

  • 1. Incarcerated defendant: Once the referral is received, Elkhart County Community Corrections will schedule an assessment appointment with the defendant at the Elkhart County Jail.
  • 2. Non-Incarcerated defendant: If the defendant is not incarcerated it will be the defendant’s responsibility to contact Elkhart County Community Corrections to schedule an assessment appointment.

2. The referring entity must provide the defendant an application upon the time of referral.

  • 1. The defendant must submit an application to ECCC within 48 hours of receipt of the application. 

Programs and Treatment

The following are educational, substance related and evidence base cognitive based behavioral programs that are offended at ECCC:

  • The Courage to Change
  • Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT)
  • Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT)—Domestic Violence
  • Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT)—Anger Management
  • Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT)—Trauma
  • Intensive Outpatient Programming
  • Seeking Safety
  • Celebrate Recovery
  • Jail Ministries
  • Aftercare
  • Relapse Prevention
  • AA/NA

Eligibility Documents

Eligibility Documents Packet

Online Payments

All online payments are handled by paygov.us
