The Elkhart County Stormwater Board (composed of the three County Commissioners and the County Surveyor) also acts as the Greater Elkhart County Stormwater Partnership Board.


The People

Director of Stormwater

John Heiliger

[email protected]

The Greater Elkhart County Stormwater Partnership

is a cooperative effort to implement the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) plan of four local government entities in Elkhart County, Indiana listed below:.

Town of Bristol 

City of Elkhart

City of Goshen

Elkhart County

A link to learn more about the MS4 Plan is on the right of this page in the Additional Information section.

Our Plan

The plan includes six minimum control measures and outlines programs to improve the quality of stormwater that runs off of the land and into rivers, lakes, and streams. These control measures are:

  • Public Education and Outreach *
  • Public Participation and Involvement *
  • Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
  • Construction Site Storm Water Run-off Management *
  • Post Construction Storm Water Run-off Control
  • Good Housekeeping and Pollution Prevention

Items that are marked with an asterisk (*) are being implemented on a Partnership wide basis, with the Elkhart County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) coordinating these efforts. Construction Enforcement and other measures that are not marked are being addressed separately according to each governmental jurisdiction.

More About Us

The Greater Elkhart County Stormwater Partnership Board (composed of the three County Commissioners and the County Surveyor) meetings are scheduled for the fourth Monday of each month and held at the Elkhart County Government Administration Building at 117 North Second Street in Goshen, immediately following the Elkhart County Commissioners 9:00am.

The MS4 Advisory Board meetings (composed of the Stormwater Partnership entities) are scheduled on an as-needed basis and meet at the Elkhart County Public Services Building located at 4230 Elkhart Road, Goshen, IN 46526.

Contact John Heiliger, Stormwater Coordinator, to have items added to either Elkhart County Stormwater Board meetings or the Greater Elkhart County Stormwater Partnership Board meetings.

Each entity is responsible for Post Construction Stormwater Run-off, and Municipal Operations Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping within their jurisdiction.